How could I improve this map? I feel like it’s very lacking.
Looks pretty nice, but could you explain what you are trying to achieve? Then we can provide more specific feedback-
For now though, try adding a gate, and a source for the lights. Ex: not just coming from the ground, maybe from the windows, lanterns, etc.
The front is also very plain, as is almost the entire mansion. It could have more bumps, etc.
And, the yard could be more bumpy, with variations of terrain-
A green door isn’t also very realistic. And maybe make the roof less bright-red? It’s sort of cartoony right now.
Possibly add a path to the door? And possibly statues, lanterns, vegetation, etc.
Hey, this should probably go in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations
oh crap, i didnt realize where i was posting this. is there a way to move the post?
anyways, im just trying to achieve something more realistic and detailed if that helps
Edit the title to change the category
i should have addressed this earlier, but im basically recreating the mansion from Ao Oni, which looks like this:
hopefully this helps!!
Yes, that does help a lot
In that case, the mansion looks quite accurate.
I recommend adding the fleur de lis above the center window, first of all-
And then adding the circle on the door.
Then, maybe add the brown patch of dirt in front of the building.
Really, just try to add as many details to the mansion as possible, by comparing what you’ve built to what’s on the reference.
Best of luck~
There isn’t a lot to go on with, like may you provide some pictures of the interior so we could give further feedback.
For the exterior, I think this looks quite cool and quite close to the picture you were referencing off, thought I think that the lighting near the trees is kinda low so you could fix that.
Well if you are just talking about the yard then I think many details should be added. A pool could look nice if you were doing the backyard, possibly a fountain at the front with some greenery surrounding it. A garage on the side could look nice, and a gate at the front would look good, I think a garden at the front will look good, and you could have some lights coming out of the ground in the garden to add some nice light to it. Right now it seems kind of dark and kind of like a horror house by the way the trees look. Adding some leaves to the branches would make it seem like a happier kind of place and more light should be added to get away from the dark kind of feeling the house has, unless that was what you were going for.
Hope this helps
Ao oni! Looks pretty great, I would adding the top part (above the windows, you see the yellow line?) and adding the design above the window. Roof in ao oni looks more orange and longer. looks good
Looks good! I espicially love the mansion.
My suggestion though:
- The backyard looks pretty good, but what I recommend adding is some lanterns that go along the little dirt path that is there, just to give it a more gloomy feeling.
Other then that, it looks great!
I would try adding some dead grass or more dead plants to make it a bit more spooky!
it is very simple and very empty