3rd updated version of map please leave suggestions
I’d encourage you to focus on small details. The bench, the trash can, the trees. It can all go a long way. On large projects I usually encourage developers to go simple, but on a smaller scale vibe such as this small details can really send it home. I think what you have now is great frame to advance upon.
They best way to improve and begin building higher quality projects is to find an example of something you really really love, and then reverse engineer it. Try to recreate what inspire you, and that will teach you how to build in that style.
Hope this helps!
I have actually just came back from building and it has began making me think of more details for making things which im using to teach myself new things by building small things then expanding, them so right now im releasing once or twice a day updated images and versions of it so people can give feedback so i get more detail then when i get to editing stage (which currently im doing the building for 2 months then editing for 1 month) i can add more detail to the already detailed parts of the map so after a while it all builds up with a bunch of things i and others imagined would work and put together to make something with a lot of detail and this was what i didn’t do with building before which is why i was never good at it.
A couple more different types of trees, grass, or maybe a few more buildings can’t hurt. I also suggest some type of outer boarder, and maybe a few more details and some small touches on the buildings and outdoor accessories would be pretty good.