Feedback on map for prison game!

I am remastering “Prison Life” and here is the map!

The map feels quite simplistic, but I feel like that’s a good thing as the original prison life was also kinda simplistic, there are no locked doors stopping you from escaping the prison, but I assume that’s because you want us to check it out. Some advice I can give is to go to the MaterialService And disable Use2022Materials


wait you can do that???

The whole map feels unfinished and lacking effort, I think you could go in and put more details like trash cans and stuff to make the building look used, etc. The map is also really small considering it’s supposed to be a prison. You could maybe add more floors, make the whole building bigger and add a way to escape the prison. Also the roof could be a lot higher, you could use the original game as reference

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I don’t play Prison Life for some years and I could recognize the map, so I think you’re doing really well!

I think you should add more details like @sam_0987654321best said and also put the inside of the prison a little bigger.


Yes, it’s how older games kept the old materials

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