Feedback on map for simulator

Hello! I’ve been putting up a project for a simulator game that will be hopefully finished in about a month, most of the map and UI is done, just looking for a scripter. Here are some photos of the map (still not finished):


(The thing highlighted in red is something I will remake.)
Give me your thoughts!


Also the only free models I used are the lanterns and the portals.

Hope you cleared the free models, cause it seems like there is a lot :upside_down_face:

In relevance to feedback. Its a good map! Although if you would’ve gave the theme like if it is like Digging simulator or something then I would’ve been given a clearer perspective but all-in-all its a good map! :upside_down_face:

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Thanks a ton for the feedback! In regards to the free models, there are only two, but I get that you mean there are a lot of the lanterns, I’ll make them a bit later, thanks for the feedback!

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Happy to help! :upside_down_face:

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It’s so cute, I can only say, wow, I love it!!


Nice map! What is this simulator about?

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My First Thoughts:

  • It’s a nice simple simulator map
  • Lots of space
  • Could have a lot of potential

Things in my opinion that I would personally Improve:

  • Add variation in the greens to add to the effect of the map
  • Make the portals different from one and each other
  • Maybe add some rotation to the hills for depth

(apart from my thoughts, really good work, keep it up!)

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There are a lot of same green color

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Thanks everybody for the positive comments, first of all the portals are free models so ill of course change them, as for the green colors do you have suggestions? Also @DraftingTurtle9753 What do you mean by rotation to the hills? The border ones or the ones inside the map?

Id say the Border ones however, doing the ones in the map could also help with variation.

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This is a tapping game, but with stuff like other gamemodes, maaybee a 1v1? Pet abilities, some pets interacting with each other and stuff like that, also by pet abilities I mean like flying, mounting, multipliers and stuff like that, I’m still thinking for other stuff do add that will make this game more original than others.

Alright! Also the ones in the map are somewhat rotated.

Why are you criticizing them for using free models? They exist so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, if they don’t have viruses there is nothing wrong.

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They are not criticizing, they are just giving feedback and opinion. I also said that I will change them because they are from a popular asset pack that has most likely been used in at least a popular game, also it is just a bit more unique and how you want when you create your own models, but I get where both of you are coming from.

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Remove the bench and add better lighting.

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Any suggestions for the lighting as im not the best at it, thanks :smiley:

Maybe adding lights from the lamp is what #iroboplayz meant, I apologize if I am wrong though, but I would suggest that too.

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