Please give me feedback guys on the map. The map is supposed to be space ship themed. It is also made for horror game survival purposes.
Please give me feedback guys on the map. The map is supposed to be space ship themed. It is also made for horror game survival purposes.
The map is missing detail. My eyes hurt when I spawn. The spawn is spawning you above the Building. Also the badeplate makes it look unfinished.
• My advice:
Im not adding a spawn yet because the player is supposed to spawn in a lobby. The player then can choose to teleport to different places of the map from the lobby. I am finishing the map first before anything else. Thank you for the feedback.
Thank you, I will make the sun less bright.
robloxapp-20211231-1722462.wmv (880.4 KB)
The bad:
The floor is very bare/boring, and its just a on-repeat pattern that doesn’t change even underneath the doors or in different rooms.
The sun is SO BRIGHT! Spawning in felt like I was an angel ascending from the heavens to rate this build. Please turn that down and the game should be more playable.
Zooming out or looking around, you can barely see past your character, and if you zoom out far enough, you can see the entire map except grey.
The advice:
Turn the sun down! It makes the game near unplayable.
Change up the flooring between rooms, like adding grates to give it that space-y vibe.
If you’d like to keep up the simplistic vibe, that’s fine, but otherwise you should consider adding more detail to the map (And a roof…) For instance: Pipes lining the walls, with some broken and water spooling out, random wires sticking out from the lights, etc.
If you’re looking to make it so that you can’t see very far, this can be done in a less obnoxious way than adding the weird circle of view. For instance, the depth of field effect will add a blur when you see something in the distance, or the fog effect (under lighting) will make it so it’s a smooth transition to the unseeable void.
Overall, this is fairly good just with a few glaring problems. You don’t have to take my advice but I feel like it would improve your build a lot.
Thank you for the feedback! I totally forgot about the floors. I cant really add a roof right now or I wont be able to build well lol. Im using streaming enabled and the min radius and target radius is 64. At some parts of the map I just see the void and not the walls thats why im using a fog.(I didnt know how else to solve the issue)
Don’t hold me to my word here as that’s not really my strong suit, but try turning off streaming enabled and keeping the fog. Your map isn’t really big and because of the simplistic design, it should run well even on lower-end devices. Streaming enabled, I believe, is what is causing the problem of there being a void instead of walls, because it ‘hides’ blocks that players aren’t in range of to prevent lag.
Ok. I will turn of Streaming Enabled.
EDIT: I will cap the minimum radius to 100.