Feedback on map

Hello, I would like some feedback on this map about a simulator, thanks in advance.!/game-instances

Judging by the unfinished paths I’d say the map is unfinished.
If that’s the case, then you’re off to a good start, you tried to make a low-poly style that looks just fine.
I do have some negative aspects to point out :

  • The height of the “hills” is too low and the player can easily jump over the world barrier
    Video example:
  • The difference between the different worlds seems very restricted, you just added a few rocks and changed the colors, you should look up on the Internet and look for some great ideas to make your environment look better.
  • I’d recommend making the different worlds bigger, they are way too small !

I highly recommend that you take inspiration from bigger simulator games for your map as it would probably help you a lot. Also, are all the models made by yourself ? If that’s the case, then congratulations !

Anyways, I wish you luck for the rest of your development progress! :grin:

I am aware of most of these issues.

  1. Being able to jump over worlds: I will be adding invisible walls.
  2. Worlds: I will be making other worlds. The main world/starter area theme is basically the forest biome without the trees, ill be making a desert some other places.
  3. World Size: Yeah… I can agree with this.

Almost all models are made by me, just the nature elements, like the rocks, trees, and grass are not made by me. I suck at blender, so those might be temporary, or not.

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So i joined and the first thing that i see is that there are multple parts in one part. What i mean is if you go up to a hill and than move your camera the grass glitches a bit. This also includes the path.
(Smal visual glitch)

I think you can fix this by unioning the parts together if you have no meshes.

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