Feedback on map

I would like feedback on this map (is it balanced, is it fun to play on, does it look nice) I am intending for this to be used in an fps setting.

In game, there will be a ‘join server’ button in the top left, which will teleport you to the map. once you are in the map’s server, there will be a play button in the top left which will spawn in your character. (these buttons are temporary mechanics for testing)


The map at the moment seems rather empty, adding props can alleviate this. Props you might add may be something like futuristic crates, settlements, colonies, etc. Other than that, the flow of the map runs rather well! With enough props added to the map, it will look pretty great.



I wouldn’t say that the map looks too aesthetically pleasing from the top view, but I’m sure that it will look better from the player’s view.


I like the fact that you have tried to make the terrain low poly, personally I think that it makes it look better so you also make was rocks that are surrounding the player, low poly.


The GUI on the bottom right seems a bit plain, I recommend that you change the background to transparency 0 and the color to a very dark grey, you can also try to add some sort of shading.


I think that the skybox blend in, you could use a skybox with just dark space and light stars which could possibly look better because at the moment the skybox looks a bit stretched out.


This map is an asteroid. if you play the map, there is a tunnel network that leads underground, where the player can find a mining drill (is aesthetic). this will be where map objectives will be located (hill, control point, etc) although i do agree that i should probably add more crates and other objects to the surface. Thanks for the feedback

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If you are talking about the rocks surrounding the player, i kinda need them to be parallel to the direction of gravity (as with roblox mechanics, even the slightest slope will allow the player to scale the wall) so that they create a barrier in which the player cannot pass (the player can make their way on top of the ridge, but they have to find a hill or ladder to do so)

the gui is scripted to appear as the player’s teamColor, so it will appear different in play.

As for the skybox, i do think the current sky looks pretty cool, but i will try making it blank space with stars if you believe this will look better. [Edit] i tried the dark skybox with stars and it looks much better, thank you

Thank you for your feedback

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@AmusingDev @SloppyBadUsername2 Thank you both for your feedback. I implemented your advice and now it looks like a million dollars

You can look through the terrain by looking into the space ship. Seems unintended. You can also enter the spaceship.

The death laser kills you before you touch it. Add a visual making it very obvious where the death zone is, because dying unfairly is annoying.

All of the above-ground part of the map is open space and movement is incredibly slow, giving snipers an unfair advantage. Make tunnel systems more abundant or fix sniper sightlines by adding terrain features.

Same with the death laser room/adjacent tunnels. Snipers have clear sightlines from one end to the other:

The crater is pretty good. It servers as a camper nest (which is good), but doesn’t have as much visibility to all of the map as the cliffs. Being on lower ground makes it strong vs people on the same level, but the cover is useless against people up above. I still feel like it can see too much of the map, but it’s not as bad as all the cliffs surrounding the map.

The recoil on the guns feels sluggish because it happens gradually instead of instantly.

Cave entrances are a bit hard to find. Make them face towards the center of the map, or add nearby structures to draw the eye and make players explore that part of the map.

Trusses as ladders are pretty weird to control, especially in first person mode. Replace them with a winding path or a jumping section, or something else

Overall I think the map is too open. Most of the map is featureless, and it’s only purpose is to be crossed. Add structures, rocks and craters to break up sight lines and create tactical positions. The tunnel network is the strong part of the map. Expand on it by adding more tunnels. Not all of them need to lead to objectives, they can just be short ones. The winding tunnels are claustrophobic and contrast nicely with the openness of the overworld and outer space. They create the opportunity for connections between parts of the map that are a lot more interesting than just a flat plane. In other words, they add verticality.

Speaking of verticality, your low gravity / high jumping mechanic is pretty uninteresting right now. Sure it fits with with the theme, and allows for pretty fun “skeet shooting” / “air shot” gameplay. But coupled with the pretty slow movement speed of characters, it mostly just feels sluggish. You have an opportunity to add some more interesting movement mechanics. You can make the current movement system more interesting by incorporating the mechanics of the game into the level design. There are no places that can only be reached because of this unusually high jumping power. Adding some buildings would allow you to make less obvious “shortcuts” that allow players to use paths that would be impossible in normal gravity.

Also, the map doesn’t look very good. I like the low poly terrain, but it’s just one color all of the time. VERY BORING. But you should focus on making it play good first IMO.

There’s a property in Humanoid to control this. You can set the highest angle that players can climb. I think the skybox is fine.

Hope this helps.

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