I have just finished a mini part of map from before i added part of the mountain and river and added house which i dont know what do with im going to make a waterfall but i want to make something before the water fall probably a forest but im planning on also adding something below the water fall.
Construction feed And Build Area - Roblox
Hi @helpfulllukemaster1 you are not really being realistic because:
- I see that your grass patch doesn’t look like a grass, consider to change the material type to grass instead
- Mountain looks perfectly fine to me so far based on the look
- Your overall map doesn’t seems to be really realistic, your environment doesn’t match the surrounding you built. I would suggested for this type, you can add a skybox with nature look.
- You should be more detailed include waterfall maybe from the mountain.
I’m sorry that if I offend you but I believe you could do better than this!
I would suggest you look into terrain colors, decor, grass, different types of terrain, etc. to add a realism and nice feel. Just when you start, change the colors up a bit of the terrain. If you don’t know how, I’m sure there’s tutorials else where but the environment I agree needs worked on.
I have been testing out recently on how i can make grass also for the water as i know i can do better than that but i want it to have a good look as alot of the future map is going to be based on the enviroment
Currently i am adding different types of terrain but im still figuring out how to do the grass so its easier to make terrain
What you’re building is not so realistic, only the mountain looks perfectly just fine. I’ll suggest you that you can find research on YouTube on ROBLOX how to build more realistic stuff.
You can use solid modeling, it’s one thing that will definitely help you I believe.
Based on my understanding, you are just throwing in object without putting any effort.
at the moment im experimenting with looks but i am planning on working on this for 2 months then editing for 1 month before selling it off so i have a good amount of time i think to test things out as i just came back to building
@helpfulllukemaster1, very good slowly revamp those part make more realistic design. I believe you can do it!
does anyone know any ways to make grass as i want a couple more choices…?
This not look to detail one suggestion please make everything look low poly or make it have detail block
I am currently as i write making it have detail block
Its pretty ok just need to fix the water to make it abit detail suggestion use terrain add water so it will be more detail
If you mean the water you get from terrain editor thing it wont work but im currently building at the bottom to add detail
For the water you should use beam to stimulate a water fall, you could also use an reference image to get a more realistic scale, with more practice you can improve greatly, keep up the good work!
Thanks i am just finishing up right now before i release the updated version i have practically finished the waterfall but of course i will edit it to make it better but thanks for the suggestion.
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