Feedback on Medieval House

Hi, I’m currently building a med-high poly medieval house and I’m looking for advice on how to improve my work. Please list what you like about the build and what could be improved upon. Thanks!


its a bit bland, but it looks good

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The medieval house seems incredibly simple and plain. Not a lot of decor included making it feel empty.
So far in terms of design of that house it looks really great, keep it up :+1:

Then perhaps it would be prudent to offer feedback like I’ve requested?

Being vague in your response isn’t helpful in my opinion. How can I improve upon this?

I apologize, generally the other post’s meaning was to add outside decor and inside decorations in case there aren’t any.

In case you want, you can create assets that you can place randomly around a town with randomly shaped houses like yours and perhaps add more to it such as a third windows on a different side.

The house is still missing a door, but I believe you already know that, so I want to suggest that the windows should be more transparent but more reflective.

Game’s lighting could be lowered to Brightness of zero and Environmental effects in lighting to 1.
You could add a night version of the house with a lantern on top of a table with perhaps random notes or either a forge inside of the house like in casual RPGs.

In case you’d go with a workshop, you’d have to make a fireplace with a small sharp metal fence on it.
A display of weaponry and perhaps some tables or some random tools that a normal worksmith would use inside a medieval type of house.

Outside if it’s still a workshop, you could attach some signs with a symbol referencing to the store and perhaps add some pile of coal behind the house. A second door behind the house attached to it so you could get out of the house in case the first one would be ruined.

Add some stones as a pattern of a pathway.
Grass perhaps around the house, some wood lying around.

But make sure to add lightsources, light makes itself the best part of the design.

That doesnt look bad but would be better to thicken the roof and maybe make the door frame a bit more appealing. The windows can also be given some work.

It looks awesome, you can add more details.