Feedback on Minecraft Spider model ( what do you think about it?)

So recently.i made a minecraft spider ROBLOX version what do you think about it? here is some pics :RobloxScreenShot20220324_165541149


I cant even see the video, mind fixin’ it?

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sorry my bad i will try to fix it :slight_smile:

i could not fix the video so i just did screenshots

it dosent look like the minecraft spider at all! cause of the legs the face and the minecraft spider dosent have fangs so you should change em and the legs are a also weird


this is how the minecraft spider in “ROBLOX VERSION”

if it existed in roblox it would be like that ( my emagination)

Hey you don’t have to be that critical. They clearly did their best and it looks pretty close.


thank you @LandnBlu it actually dosent look the minecraft one but i just imagined it if it was in roblox

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also check this topic: Give me some ideas what im gonna build in my ninja temple (working on a ninja game)

Looks really cool! Smooth and neat! Are you making all the mobs?

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I maybe will be too toxic now, but it don’t look as MINECRAFT spider at all:
1 - spider legs in minecraft are startinng from 1 point (left and right legs → left and right points)
2 - Spider legs are too wide. Their proportion is 1:2. In Minecraft their proportion is 1:1.
3 - Add textures. You should use them if you want make it similar to minecraft.

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It’s the ROBLOX version in their imagination.


Ehhh. It kinda does, but you do have a point. The eyes are red, but there is fangs. There is 6 eyes instead of 2, and the fangs should be like an image on the sider’s face.
this is what it should look like. Maybe make the leg parts similar to the spiders’ and that’s all my feedback!

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There’s 8 eyes - 4 big eyes, and 4 small.

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thanks for the informations! it will be usefull

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i think i will edit it in the future and make it more better.

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Well, it looks way too simple. The parts are not symmetrical and correctly aligned with each other, try using a plugin like Archimedes (they really help). Also, please add textures.

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#robuilder It looks very nice! Have you rigged it?

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The OP never stated that this was supposed to be a 1:1 recreation, but rather their interpretation of what it would look like if it was in ROBLOX.

I’m all for giving constuctive criticism, but to say something is “ugly” when its not your own creation is downplaying the effort that went into making this.

Was there a whole lot of effort? Maybe not, but if you’re going to give feedback then you should do it in a way that isn’t going to ruin their motivation completely.

We all get better with time, so that’s something that should be considered as well.

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