Tell me your opinion, I tried to make better fan copy of minecraft than mineverse it is not even beta yet, I started only yesterday, but my place has cool opportunity: SKIN BY NICKNAME!!! when u join game u see text box where u enter any minecraft nickname of existing user and u are in that skin TADA
there are 3 types of skins, steve if u typed wrong nickname (that user doesn’t exist);
dedmau5 with ears;
and skin by nickname (it works with help of php web server + my script skills);
This is epic, not gonna lie.
I like the skin system, it’s pretty cool. You should add some more Minecraft type physics into the game, so it feels more like Minecraft. It looks pretty cool, so if you keep developing it, then it looks like the game will be a hit.
Yeah, I know what he did; I helped him with the base color conversion of a pixel to hex color. He grabs the skin off a webpage then he creates frames on a surfacegui, and colors them. Seems like for some reason the server is unable to get skeppy’s skin.
I fixed, I tried to use tlauncher for pasing skins, but it has some outdated skins, i tried to use minecraftinside, but it doesn’t have your skin, NOW I use both sources to find skins at once so more chanse that you skin will be found, and it won’t be outdated. I don’t want to parse minecraft website 'cause I am lazy to decode their json etc. with other websites I have direct links to skins xD btw try now, your skin will be found!!!