Feedback on Mining System

I want feedback on this Mining System I started making 2 days ago, feel free to be as critical as you like. I’m looking for bugs and any way I can improve this system (one that I’m currently aware of is that the pickaxe stops working if you die, I am working on fixing that).

Here are some screenshots if you can’t play the game:


Looks absolutely astonishing!

However, I suggest adding darkness whenever players are mining deeper down into the mines [depending on their depth], as it’ll give more of a mining vibe! In order for the player to have a source of brightness, I suggest adding a backpack with a lantern added onto it. :slight_smile:

Though, I am not very fond with simulators; I’m assure that this will be a big hit when it comes out! Nonetheless, keep up the great work.


This looks really good so far! great work!

I went down to about 200 levels and I agree with @FIaylie, adding a bit of darkness as you mine lower levels will definitely give you the mining vibe.

The GUI’s are lovely and the teleport to top is great. Keep it up! I can’t wait to see more!

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@FIaylie @Pocket_Goddess Thanks for the feedback!

I fixed the bug where the pickaxe stops working, and another bug where animations stop playing.