Feedback on model | Low poly One handed sword

Hi there, I made in Blender a simple in low poly model of sword and I want to share this creation
with rest of community.

I would like to add this is my first project of this type and I will be happy from feedback of other players.


Make the blade look sharper also lower the vertices a bit

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Make it looks sharper and add more of a point to the top.

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Smooth the handle, then Auto Smooth in “Object Data Properties” for a smoother looking handle.

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Thanks for reply and feed. next time I’ll try to make models blades more sharp :slight_smile:

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Make the blade longer and sharper

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Thanks for tip. I tried to make this sword very short but now I see I made them TOO short so I’ll fix this next time.

If your making it short then I would recommend making the things that go to the sides smaller/shorter

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Your’e right. the sides of handle are pretty massive in comparison to blade and that’s mistake for me.