Feedback on model | Makarov Pistol

Hello everyone, today I made a Makarov Pistol,but it didn’t turn out very well,as I have only 2 models on the topic of “Weapons”.

The work took me about 1 hour, taking into account the painting and modeling of the gun.


Blender 2.93


I love how this looks! It has a unique style to it and I enjoy how stylised it looks! Amazing job!


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Looks good. The metal does not look very metallic on my opinion.

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Adding a star on the grip would probably help, and the grip itself looks a bit too thick. Try to add some bevels to the grip for the thumb, and add a checkering texture to have the grip look more like the original gun.

The slide hole is too long, it should be two times shorter. Besides that the model looks good.

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This is an impressive amount of work for only one hour. This model does have several issues, though.

First and foremost, I notice several visible creases in the weapon, where the subsurf modifier made it look like the mesh was pinched. It’s most obvious on the second photo, just above the handguard.

Second, the handguard is very basic. The Makarov, while being a cheap weapon, does have a somewhat ergonomic handguard with a cutout for the operator’s thumb and is rougher around the palm area to aid grip. Neither of these things are represented here.

Third, the ejection port has incorrect proportions. It only has to eject an 18mm casing, so it should be much fatter and shorter.

Lastly, the end of the barrel could use some improvement. This is an image (at an odd angle) that shows more of how it’s supposed to look.

As I said, this is a good effort for taking only an hour to fully model and texture it. However, if you want to continue modeling weapons for use in games or other media, I would suggest looking at a variety of reference material and spend some more time making it look great.



Thank you for your feedback,I’m glad that you liked it.

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Thank you for pointing out the shortcomings.I wanted to add a star, but I thought that I would make it crooked and it would look bad.

Thank you for your comment.I tried to make the maximum number of details,but since I have little experience, little of this turned out to be implemented.

Thank you for your feedback.As for the metal, I agree,in future works I will try to make it more realistic.