Feedback on most recent Thumbnail

Hiya, I’m looking for some feedback and how to improve thumbnails like this in the future so leave some replies and I’ll look at all of them


Overall, the quality looks very good.

Though, the build could use some improvement.
Windows do not look like that. The bed is too big or the avatar & pillows are too small.
The room could also use an extra couple pieces of decoration, such as a nightstand or desk & chair.

However, if the room is intended to look like that so the bed is the only focus in image (and not any background furniture) it looks great.


Alright thanks, I’ll be sure to take that into consideration :slight_smile:

Hey! Love the thumbnail, try making the character bigger though.


Basically what Sirian said. I also suggest adding a frame to that window so it doesn’t look like someone took a saw and cut squares through the walls of the house haha. All in all, great layout.

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Can’t lie I did exactly that because I’m not really a builder but overall thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

Try adding more details to your background, like some paintings on the wall, some cabinets besides the bed or a carpet under your bed. It would surely looks better and more eye-catchy.

Good luck! :+1:

It looks nice, I suggest making the avatar bigger or the bed smaller. Also the room looks empty, maybe add some more things in to fill the room.

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