Feedback on movement system (sliding mechanics)

I have recently made a new movement mechanic I can use for any upcoming games and would like some feedback.
I have already made a similar topic but I forgot to mention C IS TO SLIDE and I have added some other improvements.

Here is a game you can try it in: Movement system - Roblox

Any feedback is appreciated

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I will be honest there is too camera effect and there is no animation for the slide …
Else the sprint mechanic is weird too …
Ask me if you want more explaination !

Forgot to mention its a first person movement system. Don’t mind their being no animation, I’m just worried about the actual movement at the moment.

What do you mean by this, please elaborate.

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The sprint is normaly you press the button and when you stop press it stop and here it do a strange things !
Sorry for my bad english …

It’s meant to be more like real life

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But that mean you can’t walk yes ?

This looks :fire:.

I like the camera shaking, sliding and, everything! Good job :clap:.

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Ye, Evade - Roblox uses a mechanic where you can’t walk aswell. I was going for something similar to this.

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Thank you, much appreciated!!!


Ok perfect so !
But one thing when we are in crouch position I would like to see the camera effect change because correct me if im wrong already you have an effect for movement and one for idle ?

And when you go in crouch and you are in movement the camera go down and when you go idle the camera go higher !

Ok, I will change this. Thank you.

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I hope that was helpful have a nice day ! :+1:

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I just tried the game, and it was great! There were a couple of problems though. First, when you quickly press the c button and release it, it still does the slide mechanic even though your not suppose to. Second, I found that it will sometimes strafe to the left or right side of the character and not go straight. I don’t know if it is suppose to be a feature so I’m telling you about this. Great system!

Strafe to the right and left when you are moving in that direction? or strafing in the wrong direction?

Strafing when I’m going straight. Also it happens near the border of the green platform and the baseplate.

Running is too fast. Decrease the speed a little, and add feet trails.

It is good! One thing I seem to dislike though is the sliding mechanic. It feels too instant, like it goes from 100% to 80% to 0% in a sliver of time. Perhaps easing the 100 to 0 better/slower?