Feedback on MS Paint art?

Hey there!
To add some background… I’m an anime-ish 2D artist who’s had a recent fascination with MS paint. I’ve been on and off of art for several years. After a few months of no art (besides brief 5-25 minute sketches every few weeks), and in my most recent attempt to draw again, these are the results of about an hour’s work.

I’m mostly looking for feedback in these areas:

  • In your personal opinion, how much would you buy art like mine for?
  • If there are any technical errors, such as color palette, shadows, and highlights, face proportions, etc.
  • Just general feedback you’d like to give! Did I have too many details, or did I have too little? Does the plain white background kind of make the art piece look off? Shoot whatever you like my way.


Looks awesome! I don’t think it needs much improvements.


Awesome! I love MSPaint as much as you do! And this looks amazing!


I’m even surprised that there are people still using MSPaint but overall, this is amazing!


ms paint is kewl B)
for lighting da way the scarf is highlighted makes it seem that it’s material is shiny, something like plastic or other smooth material. the nose in the painted one also looks too close and low to the mouth, so u could place it higher a bit. u can also try and clean up the sides (like the hair and hand) so it looks cleaner :happy1:


How do I view the image? There is nothing there…

That’s really good for MS paint, but if you’re willing to, you should honestly go download some other programs that have more potential like Photoshop or even FireAlpaca or Autodesk Sketchbook.

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Your MS Paint art is amazing! I don’t even know how to draw a perfect circle ._ . I think you did good on this one! So I’ll give you two cookies for your good job! :cookie: :cookie:

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Where can I view the image??
There’s no image attached…

EDIT-- sorry I’m new i just figured that i click on the arrow lol

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