Feedback on Murder Game?

I’m working on a game that consists of two of my favorite games, Bubble Gum Sim and MM2 (but without the guns of course!) Which took almost an year to make : / (im a solo dev)

This game is still heavily in development be aware that this needs alot of things done. Meaning that there’s some things that aren’t made to be working right now. But im allowing it to stay open for about a couple of hours to build up a playerbase, since I dont have much RBX to advertise.

Since this is test, gamepasses are free, have fun!
Other than that, feedback and suggestions are appreciated!


The game may have some potential but I don’t know how the game will evolve.
It doesn’t even have maps now.
I hope you will finish it in the way you want.
I know you can do it if you work one the game.


I appreciate it, its hard working as a solo dev, pretty much everything is made by me and still in progress

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I really like what you’ve done with the buttons, but I don’t understand what the chest reward is for.

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Group rewards that’ll help people earn coins/pet experience, since I don’t know any others way for my pets to earn huge amounts of XP, I might make it to where knives give out bonus pet XP

Bug: Fixed the error occuring with loading screen, going to work on the playerlist when player joins later