Feedback on my 19 hour GFX?

This render was made using the cycles engine in blender. the total time it took to render was well over 16 hours and after-effects took another 3. I made this in my own free time and thought it looked good enough to post on here. Anything look off? Is there any blemishes in the render? Please let me know if there is anything that I can change or fix in order to make it look better.
I would look myself but I am extremely tired and need to make up for 10 hours of sleep. :joy:


I’d say it would look better with some things on the outside of the building, also the smoke and fire look rather strange, other than that quite nice.

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The smoke and explosion are there to emphasize a missile has just hit the building. But i see what you mean. Next time i make a render, I’ll probably make the background transparent so i can add a background to it.

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The only problem with making the background transparent is you lose the darkness that I utilized to put more focus on the fighting happening in the middle.