Feedback on my 2nd pet (simulator style)

Hi, I’m Zach, this is my 2nd ever simulator style pet, as I’m kinda new to this, I wanted some feedback on what I could improve :slight_smile:

Nerdy Bear! Thank you for reading!! (My first one: Feedback on my first pet (simulator style))
(My 3rd one: Feedback on my 3rd pet (simulator style))

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That’s good, it really looks like it could be a part of a game, try making the glasses short, if you cannot then use the re-size plugin on ROBLOX.

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Thank you for the advice! It truly helps! I thought the glasses would help bring it that stereotypical nerd effect, but if I was to be realistic, nobody would wear those, thank you once again!

Welcome, I am just glad to help.

Hi there. The pets look nice, but I’d reccomend not putting them all into different topics. I’d reccomend changing the title to “Feedback on my simulator-style pets” and adding them all into one topic, like so:

Hi, I’m Zach and these are my simulator pets! I will dd any new ones to this topic as I make them! I want feedback on how I could improve them.

Pet Title 1
Pet description

Pet Title 2
Pet description

Pet Title 3
Pet description

And then you can add more pets as you want to to 1 topic. Doing what you’re doing may be flagged as “Spam.”

Thank you so much, I wouldn’t want to get flagged. I appreciate that!

What did you use to make this?

I used Roblox Studio and some free models

I’d recommend using blender for pets in the future
Below are a couple tutorials that show how to make pets in blender.
This tutorial and this other tutorial.
Or, if you want to use roblox studio more there is this tutorial. you are more than welcome to not use any of these but if you want to stop making pets without free models you can use these to figure out how.
I’ve been able to make amazing pets like this in blender so maybe you could use some of this advice.
Image 3-1-21 at 4.05 PM
(Super cool blender tips :sunglasses:)

  • Hover over something and press L to select everything attached to it
  • Press A to select everything
  • Sometimes the mesh looks really weird when you import it into studio. This means the faces are inverted, it’s a lot to explain how to fix it so just look up a Face Orientation tutorial.
  • There are 3 different types of selects, 1 for vertice select, 2 for edge select, 3 for face select. You’ll have to be in edit mode to do this.
  • option/alt key to loop select, this selects all the vertices in a loop, you’ll just have to try it to see what I mean.