Feedback on my 2ND render

Feedback plz



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Very cool. Only thing I’d change is the character pose. It looks a bit stiff

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Thanks! i appreciate the feedback!

Same here. The character looks like he’s in block animation. I would say making the hands point or the head moved. I like the letters though! and I would like the hat to be changed to something themed to the letters.

Thanks, FusionFast

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i had him possed before but the map render wouldnt load. so i had to not pose him for it to work i belive

Looks nice overall, I think I would really just tweak the character pose and the ambient lighting. It looks a bit too bright for what I think is a night time sky?

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It’s nice, but as said the character is stiff and lifeless. It also appears that he might be hovering over the ground?

It’s quite bright and I don’t quite understand the context of the scene, what’s supposed to be happening?
The logo is too close to the barrier, it’s even touching it, not aligned properly.

Edit: The icon version of it has the character too cut-off.

Still good, just could use some work. :+1:

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aww thats got on my nervs now lol

He looks so tall and stiff O_O

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The characters pose looks a bit stiff, but other than that pretty cool!

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