Feedback on my Administrator Menu UI

Hello, being my first post, I present. I am LuaAlbi. I am a scripter, and designer. For some people asking, yes I use Windows 8.1.

I want rating on the administrator panel gui that I am doing.
I will also open-source it when its done.

Click to show details.

Menu Design

Other Pages Design

Gif (22 seconds)


  • Very Good! (9-10)
  • Good (6-8)
  • More or less (5)
  • Bad (4-2)
  • Very Bad (1-0)

0 voters


The user interface looks pretty nice, though there are some things I would like to see changed:

  • The two buttons on the welcome page are not properly padded. I would suggest you spacing them down a bit from the blue area of the page.
  • Some text labels, mainly the titles of the pages, look off when placed at the very edge of the border. I suggest you space them slightly inwards so that it looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Other than that, keep it up! :smiley:

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Thank you for your feedback! I am going to change them now.

Good Night!

It looks like there is a bit too much open space on the menu

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Yes, because there will be options in there. Its still doing.

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Oh alright, I am excited to here when your project is finished!

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@LuaAlbi a Good idea for a suggestion on it

  1. Use UIcornerAspectRatio & make the Frames have Corners
  2. Make the Frame GUI (the white & blue Main bit) 0.3 Transparency, so you get a nice effect
  3. make the gui bigger & make the Buttons have a nicer Positioning on it.
    Other than those suggestions, the GUI is nice
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Good to hear! I will finish in a week or a month. Depending on how much i have to study :thinking:

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What corners? I used UIAspectRatio for only a project, and I don’t know how to use it.

Ill send a GIF if UIAspectRatio & what it can look like if you use it

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Or if you say UICorner, I use it a lot! But I think I am going to put a settings menu, and you can change the Corner Radius.

yeah, I meant Corner, I looked back at it, & i said it wrong, I meant UICorner

Ok. No problem. Im adding that to settings.

Also, since you know this stuff, Im relatively new to scripting, But i’ve been for a long time, trying to make a working Admin GUi, Like yours, would you be willing to tell me a little bit on how you did your scripts for the ban & kick Buttons?

You mean when you click the button? If so, take a look to this.

--script placed inside the button

But lets talk in private if so.

My honest opinion is that not all of the UI matches the same style. Otherwise, it looks really good!

But, if this was your design, what would you change? Asking to make the ui better :slight_smile: :tongue:

I would add rounded corners on all the UI using UIcorner or Roundify. Maybe the hovering changing colors instead? What I mean my style matching is that not all the text is centered, and I would add a little more spacing with the buttons.

Yes the rounded corners im going to put in settings.

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Looks nice! What EasingStyle are using?