Feedback on my AK-47 Render!

Yeah lol I made this in a few minutes and I have not really modeled guns before and softbody modeling is more of my thing, because I use ZBrush and stuff. The reason it looks like camo is because I was not aiming for realism.

I’m not too concerned with how the mesh texture looks, I just think the model needs to POP a bit more, I would try making the X-Axis facing faces more outlined and look less flat, and try adding loop cuts or intrusions to some areas to give it more depth!

Yeah, as the post said, it was work in progress.

I think this is a great AK-47 model (or at least way better than mine).

the general shape is good. and i like the front of the gun. but the detail is unbalanced. the front of the gun is detailed with holes and all that, but the rest of the gun looks low poly. and as for the texture, i think it be nicer if u could have a different texture on the magazine. but yeah. gjgjgj

oh okay it’s pretty good then, also getting proportions correct is pretty hard for a gun but I like to go on sketch fab and just basing it off (the ak47 is pretty easy to make since barely any one sided details which are annoying to model sometimes)

The model is really bumpy - try to make your models more photorealistic. The skin/texture is weird as well. I don’t think that the trigger would have a texture, nor the magazine.

Yeah I really suck a texturing :joy:
Also I was not aiming for realism…
How is the model bumpy? I don’t really understand what you mean.

It’s to blocky, the handle would look weird to carry and the sights, I don’t know. Everything is just to blocky and with no textures I can’t really tell if i’d like it or not.

Yes. That is literally what everybody else has regurgitated 15 times and if you scroll up you will see that I fixed it.

Please look at this before giving feedback because this is my updated one.

The edges on the mode are really harsh. Take this model for example

You can see that all the edges are smooth. Whereas on your model, you can easily see all the edges.

That is what you call a Low Poly Style which is what I was going for.

I did not read other people’s comments.

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Just because it’s ‘lowpoly’ doesn’t mean it can’t be smooth.

Examples of lowpoly guns:

It looks good but sadly I know exactly how you used your reference, It is very one-sided from the side view it looks like a good model but from from the top it looks like a rectangle, you did not move the vertices from the top view, overall I like it though :+1:

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