I have spent the last 4 days working on this alt detection system using some advanced stuff, I would like to see how accurate it is and if there is something that would need to be improved.
Although I would like to acknowledge that most of it is clientsided and can be easily bypassed but that’s out of my objective.
Logged in on this account - my main - before swapping to VladOfTheAlpacas. Main account wasn’t even listed as a potential match and it saved Vlad as being an alt of some guy named Firefeud
I did some further digging - even going so far as to check their social media links, where applicable - and it seems like none of the listed accounts have anything in common outside of being Roblox players.
After some investigation, I found that it wasn’t getting all keys from the datastore meaning it didn’t check against your alt. I have now fixed this and it should link you with your alt with a 100% confidence now. Thanks for reporting the problem!
Not sure if you’re bothered by this at all, but my main account is flagged as an alt of another account. Seems a little silly when this account is 4 years senior to the supposed main account.
This seems nice, but you shouldn’t really use AI to detect through friends UserIds as smart people would be able to avoid this without having their main/alt friended.