Feedback on my another GFX

Welcome to my another post! :wave:

You may, but probably not seen me from my before post where I was asking for feedbacks.

I’ve decided to make another, showcase GFX. :art:

Im looking for honest opinions and tips to use in my another work! :clipboard:

I’ll be planning to make a cartoon one as my first one in that category. Probably do an additional logo too.

Inspired by one of the war thunder’s “thumbnails” with some changes.

I’ve decided to fix the sky as it was too bright.


Hello there, the thumbnail looks very nice! Can you make a thumbnail with only jets? that would be very good too.

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Those look AWESOME! Well done!

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Currently doesn’t have a word , it looks fine. How much minutes or hours did it take for doing that ?

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Hello! :wave:
This have took me atleast 2 hours with the scene’s setup. Photoshop took me about 30 minutes, as the grass had to be fixed and somehow I turned it into a wheat field.

Time honestly doesnt mean anything for me, but it does for a customer. Anyways, I have really took too long mostly because of the positioning.

Thank you very much! :heart: I appreciate your positive vibes.

In my opinion you made the tanks look a lot better on the first diagram.

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Thanks for the proposition! I may soon try out renders without characters like the jet thumbnail.

Thanks for your opinion!
IMO, I have added too much blurry photoshop to the planes which kind of broke the atmosphere.

Ah, yes I noticed that… thank god you updated it.

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You did a good job by fixing the lighting. However, I suggest maybe making the terrain pop out a bit more. Perhaps unblur the trees in the back slightly? This will give the entire GFX more of an eye-catching feel.

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Thanks for your opinion!
Well, I agree with you. Especially the clearly seen tree’s trunk is very blurred out and has a weird texture. I had to do the fields in the photoshop as the grass didnt go out so well and it was the main reason.

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