Feedback On My App User Interface


Hello. I am Sky, a UI designer. I’m looking for some feedback on a recent app user interface. I don’t make website/app user interfaces much, but I definitely enjoy making website/app user interfaces. Anyways, here is how it looks:

Thank you and have a great day! :slight_smile:


It looks amazing but the “An app where you can pick 100,000 FONTS” is very long, I would recommend something like “More than 100.000 FONTS to pick!” or “More than 100.000 FONTS!
Since the name of the app says what it is used for.
But it’s just my recommendation, you are the expert :smiley:

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Thank you for the recommendation! I’ll be sure to do that on my UI soon! :slight_smile:

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The login screen’s input fields(username and password) are too far apart. Actually everything is too far apart. Try making the the contents a bit closer together to avoid too much eye travel.

The welcome screen is overly dumped with words. Try simplifying the page altogether.

It’s actually a good concept for starters, but I’m pretty sure you can improve it further :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I’ll do those changes with my UI! :slight_smile:

Spacing could be improved, there are huge gaps on the left section and the heading text is too close to the top.
I’d recommend removing all the empty space from the left section to make it smaller, moving the headings down a bit, and to keep consistent sizing, use a scrolling frame on the right section. You could also add a horizontal UI at the bottom if that makes the page too small.
Here’s a quick edit of what I’m picturing:
It’s not perfect, but I hope you get the general idea.


Okay! I’ll see what I can do! Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

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Looks really good good job keep up the good work

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Thank you!



Np thx for makeing it and good job

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Hello! I’ve redesigned the user interface, and here is what I have done:

I used everyone’s suggestions and was able to make the user interface better! :slight_smile:

Looks better then before good job

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This is really cool, nice job!

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