Feedback on my army gfx

Hey Devfourm, I would like some feedback on my GFX

my GFX

I wanted to know which version is better


I’d say the top one is better, just because the heads aren’t chopped out like in the bottom one, but I think the bottom one’s effect is better. However, they’re both really good.

I like the second version more, but did you denoise the GFX? (it might just be my screen.) Also the guy that looks scared is a little too stiff. Maybe move the legs around more? The poses just look stiff in general and they look like statues, maybe add larger shadows, or make the ones in the image sharper using photoshop.

I’d also uncover the guy in the middle’s face and instead add a shadow on the eyes, if thats the effect your looking for. Overall, the gfx is great, but I would recommend adding a light source is the first thing to get done.

It’s denoised. I just added grain to the editing, thanks for the feedback, I’ll make sure to work on posing and lighting.

The background isn’t well proportioned compared to the characters, there isn’t enough actions, nor a feeling of discipline, lastly the sword doesn’t match well.

In simple words, no story at all told.

Yeah, the sword should probably be a sabre

both are very nice but I like the top one much more. one question tho, that grass looks so clean could I ask where you got the texture for it from?

I used a Blender addon called botaniq. There’s a free version with high textured grass.

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