Feedback on my artwork

Hello! Earlier today I was bored and decided to try drawing my ROBLOX avatar! I am definitely not an artist (with the exception of clothing design.) Any who, here is my artwork! All feedback is appreciated!

Avatar and artwork

My avatar -

My artwork -


its good. add eyes, make the head a little less long, body a little longer, and legs less thick and you’ll be good to go, also add a background, and the arms look weird.

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Thank you for the feedback! And yes the arms do look weird, they remind me a lot of noodles.


le fingers do be look weird too

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This is really cute! I’d venture to say that I don’t actually agree what was said earlier - I think your proportions and the lack of eyes actually work well with the style! Also, your head shape is completely fine, even if it wasn’t stylized - not sure why it was said that was long.

Your main anatomy problems are with the shoulders and the arms. Arms don’t bend at a curve - they bend sharply, at an angle. Remember, it’s not all muscle, arms are mostly made up of bones, which are completely rigid! You also usually can’t see the space at the armpit unless you’re specifically holding your arms out much wider than the character is here - your arms are very close to your chest. Try looking at examples of real bodies and drawing what they actually look like.

Your linework is very clean!! That’s not always the easiest thing to get down. However, I’d recommend using less completely straight lines. They’re fine for some areas, but you’re using so many that it’s kind of awkward looking.

This is super cute. I hope you keep doing art!!


Needs shading, looks great though

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I second this, I love the style, however, like said before, shading, highlights, and shadows would help a ton.

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there is a lack of detail in the artwork if i’m going to be honest. the hands look awkward and awkwardly placed. why is the hand on top of the a r e a? the top of the head is kind of large and the head in general is a bit long. the shoulders are raised up high, which isn’t really natural if their shoulders are just supposed to be relaxed. but other than that, i’d say it’s decent.


Sorry but like, that’s just semi-rude, she just wanted some feedback not a rating mark for her first illustration, my guy.