For the last few months I’ve been working on a game about backrooms with “Future” technology, and this is what I’ve done so far,
Anything I can change or improve?
I hope you are having a good night or a good day
For the last few months I’ve been working on a game about backrooms with “Future” technology, and this is what I’ve done so far,
Anything I can change or improve?
I hope you are having a good night or a good day
That’s… exactly what the backrooms are supposed to be… empty corridors and rooms…
I’m really digging the grimy look you are going for, it sets it apart from other Backrooms games. The black spots in the lighting look very unnatural and jarring so you should try reducing those. The lights also seemingly don’t align with the ceiling tiles at all and just look like neon bricks which doesn’t fit the otherwise realistic looking environment. Aside from that you are doing a good job though, keep it up!
Looks really good, it would be a game i would play.
Thicken the walls and make more open spaces. Maybe add some more detail to the lights and align them with the tiles. Looks great otherwise.
If you don’t mind sharing, what are you using as a reference? Sharing which depiction of the backrooms you’re trying to model yours after can help us give more specific feedback.
Based on a variety of depictions of the backrooms that I’ve seen:
I’d suggest doing something about the random dark areas on the edges of the walls. The backrooms aren’t exactly supposed to be super dark in areas where there are overhead lights. In fact, I’d argue that it’s supposed to be a bit too bright for comfort. Future lighting doesn’t work well for this because it has a tendency to make areas very dark and shadowy. Unless you have something else in your game that requires or greatly benefits from future lighting, making the lighting less realistic could make the game look better.
If you must use future lighting, I’d suggest using SurfaceLights instead of PointLights to more accurately reflect the style of lighting used and potentially fix some of the shadowy edges.
I’d also suggest making the lights themselves a brighter shade of yellow or increasing the brightness because the wallpaper looks more brown than yellow in many parts of your images.
Aside from lighting, there are some minor things you can add. I’d suggest putting wall sockets in some areas because they’re common in depictions of the backrooms.
Love the slight silent hill vibe.
Love the dingy carpet, and old wallpaper really gives it that backrooms feel!
It may just be the lighting but the backrooms have a more bright and yellow look to it instead of a muddy brown. They also have bigger rooms and thicker walls.
I will show some photos of my idea of the backrooms:
This is what the what I imagine when I hear “The Backrooms”,
It’s big and empty but there’s lots of light and some outlets here and there and maybe a fire alarm in a couple rooms. I would also suggest lining the light up with the tiles on the ceiling like in the pictures.
Lights are way too bright. I would lower down the color so its not eye blinding
That lighting is really impressive. Looks like a cool game so far.