Feedback on my bait and switch horror game's alpha

So, I don’t like how it is turning out, now having watched shipwrecked 64 and getting inspiration, I decided to remake it. I’d appreciate if anyone who reads this post plays it and gives me some feedback to improve on in the remake. Thanks a lot!

some additional info: the game concept came to me in a dream where i finished a game and unlocked a sort of new game plus and it turned spooky, i had to piggy back off that and improve on it but i feel like i’ve strayed too much off-course. the game will kick you once you finish it.

it’s pretty short, if you know what you’re doing you can probably beat it in less than 20 minutes

here’s the link: Adventure Through A Dark Island [UNFINISHED ALPHA] - Roblox

Edit: I’ve since decided to remake it entirely and now I have a proper idea of what I’m going to do

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What is your goal from this game


i honestly am not sure, i want to make something i’d enjoy but also what others would (hence why i have playtesters) and i do enjoy parts of it but it feels so unfinished and short that it might just feel like an uninteresting chore rather than an interesting bait and switch horror game. shipwrecked64 has basically done exactly what i wanted to do with my game and that has given me inspiration to try again and remake the (non-existent) story

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