Feedback on my Bank

Hey there fellow developers!

I once again started to build something that came up to my mind, and it came out to be a bank. I didn’t spend too long it but I’ve been looking out for bugs while building it. There shouldn’t be any flaws to the build. I myself am proud of it, let me know what you think! If you just want to rate it, I’ll leave a poll for it.

Have a good day! :sun_with_face:

note: The interior is empty because it’s unfinished. that’ll be taken care of later on.

Pictures of the build

  • Very good, keep it up!
  • Decent, could get some upgrades.
  • Just remove it! It’s disgusting.

0 voters

Feedback is appreciated!

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This looks really really nice. I like the low poly bushes that surround the top of the bank it really brightens it up. I’m not so sure about the leaves that come down the right pole though. It looks kind of strange just sticking out of the pole with no origin.

This is amazing! I seriously love the detail and care you placed into this project. I am very proud of you.

Keep up the amazing work!!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

I love the design of the bank, the low-poly plants give me a vibe that this bank was abandoned for like 1-month, keep up the work! I’d recommend adding plants In the front of the pillars, it should look good from now on,

Keep working hard! :wink:

It looks good, you do however need to keep that building style throughout all your other buildings (if any) which might be more difficult. It will be a long project whatever you’re working on, goodluck.

Thank you! It was just for fun anyways.

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I’ll make sure to do that! Have a good day!

Thank you a lot! Have a good day.

Yeah you’re right, I’m doing something about that in a minute!