Feedback on my blue futuristic build

What could i improve on this Build?


You might want to change the road divider to white or yellow. And may I clarify, what is the part of the house right of the 2nd floor window?

Whoo, thats a hot build :relaxed:
You might want to make it a bit taller, because it feels like something is missing from the top, maybe another floor or maybe a roof. The windows are nice but again it feels quite large. Overall, great build!

Maybe make the grass white? I don’t know why, it just seems like it’ll suit the style more.

I liked your build but I would suggest you to make colors more brighter but not very bright, and also try using more colors for example purple, orange etc.

Add some scifi devices to it, like large satellite dishes and large pipe coming out of the side. Add some areas that are irregularly shaped. Right now it just looks like a glowing apartment.

wow it looks great
i love the atmosphere

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Looks so cool! I like the detail, low-ploy is so organized, and the rain that goes with the atmosphere.

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