Hello Developers, I’m interested in hearing your feedback on my game, Build Battle! We’ve recently have been working on the game. I’d like to hear your feedback before we releasing again. The first release was a failure and we don’t want to make a mistake like that again. This game is inspired by the minecraft gamemode called Master Builders.
If you are interested in being a tester for the game, or would like to keep up with the game feel free to join our discord server. Build Battle!
Hi Funnel Creator heres some feedback I hope helps ya
It is awfully dull and empty.
The obby doesn’t have much function.
The loading/transition GUI acts up sometimes and doesn’t fully open or opens twice
The leader statues should have larger player models to make it proportionate. Also I recommend making it a focus
I feel like the spawn itself should be smaller with more things to do. It feels as if it should be a teleportation lobby with its size. Could do help with adding more things to do, fixing the obby, adding more variation.
Although I know the backdrop shouldn’t be a focal point. The reused and copied assets from the lobby does not look well. I recommend adding various maps for the building part, while giving the maps more detail.
The block color and placement works well, but not necessary interesting. The blocks to myself seem too small. I would like different brushes instead of individually clicking objects. Brushes could include cubes, circles, spheres, squares etc.
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This is a nice game premise but I find it lacks its own identity. The actual function of the game works fine yet without other aspects that contribute to the character of your game it becomes disinteresting.
Alright, I have some mixed opinions on it. Here are my suggestions:
Sorry, there’s quite a lot lol-
The thumbnail is pretty good but the icon could use a little touch-up. Maybe make the name of the game larger or give it an outline so you can see it better. It also kind of bothers me that part of the “BUILD” is sticking off of the wood thing.
As far as the map goes, I would change the grass entirely and give it some more detail, also make it less vibrant as it sort of hurts my eyes lol. (Maybe match it with the color of the trees or a little lighter than that?)
For the spawn area, I would just suggest adding more detail, more trees, bushes, rocks, things like that.
Building area seems pretty decent but again, I would also add more detail to the place.
They honestly aren’t bad but some images seem a little blurry on my side and not as clear for whatever reason.
Extra Features
When I first join the game, I noticed there wasn’t an option to opt out of a match. This can be an issue for people who want to buy things from the shop but just get teleported after.
Final Review/Conclusion
If you really want to have this game succeed, it’ll need something that differentiates it from other Build Battle games. You’ll also probably have to change the name to something different most likely to not copy and stand out from the original one.