Feedback on my build here

Hi! I recently played this game with imo the best texture work I’ve ever seen on ROBLOX called doors (that being said I don’t play many games) but anyway, I started messing around with some textures and built this little room. I tried to make it look as realistic looking as I could. Old style.

How does it look? Anything I could do to improve on it?


Good job! The ceiling middle part looks rotated to me, and it seems the height of right and left wall are not the same (or at least the ceiling is placed wrong, so it makes it seem that way), you should fix that. Also it looks a bit empty, but it might be a corridor, + there should be enough space for players to actually play, so it is not really a mistake.


Enable new roblox materials instead of putting wood textures, since game “Doors” is using roblox materials 2022. You probably should fix celling it doesn’t look symmetrically.



What is new materials? Haven’t heard of that. And don’t worry about the ceiling haha, this is just a test. I very quickly threw together the structure. Was more focused on lighting and textures.

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