Feedback on my builds

Hi everyone!
I was wondering if I could get some feedback/improvement advice on some of my builds please.

A basement

A forest

And my most recent build that is still in progress a indian palace or something inspired by indian style temples

sorry for the bad ss quality


Looks very good but lighting needs work but other then that good job.

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Okay, let’s dig in!

Overall it’s nice, there is a lot of space for improvement

-You have to watch out when it comes to scaling the objects, like that chair is too big for that desk, also the shelves on the right side.
-Ceiling, it kinda does not fit very well when it comes to colors, like you can see that hard contrast when you look at the wall and the ceiling, especially on the edges and corners, maybe add some kind of moldings on that corners like you did on the bottom of the walls.
-Fire is too big, you can use particles for fire.
-The flooring texture is too big, I would recommend scaling that texture down(tiling)

-A Forest-
-In general there is not much to comment here, it’s good, image is low resolution so I can’t see much.

-The temple-
Resolution of this image is still low, so I cant see details, well I can’t see anything so I can’t provide you any feedback on this!

Please provide more images, close ups, etc…

Hope you are having a great day and create amazing things! :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much i will take your tips and advise to consideration and will try to implement new things into this builds!

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These builds are great, but the first thing I would do is improve the quality of your studio for more clean pictures.

Your builds are nice! Keep working on them! :happy2:

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i recently discovered how to do that in my recent post i took a picture with better quality

Classical Build

your feedback was very helpful and respectful so thanks i invite you to see my newest creation Classical Build