Feedback on my bus model

Hi there. I would just like to see if I could get some feedback on my bus models this one is of a BMC 1100FE UK school bus. It drives and is fully scripted using A-chassis.


I already know it does not look the best bus model in the world and they are people who are way more better at building Roblox buses but it looks close enough in my opinion.


I think if you added some textures to the inside floor of the bus, that’d make it look nice! And I mean other than that, this is just looking FANTASTIC!

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And for it’s scripted features you can drive it in this game But you will need to join this group in order to gain access to it.

this look really good but it feel like the chair could use some outline and some arms rest

The seats on these vehicles are not fitted with armrests IRL

Image of interior of real bus

Looks fantastic, one thing I would do is possibly bevel the seats, right now they are looking a bit blocky.

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Amazing bus. Possibly lower the suspension a bit? But you could’ve easily fixed that if you followed the damn train CJ.

If any of you want the bus I am selling it for robux. PM me for info.

Good work! Although I would reccomend adding more refinement to the back side

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Reallyyy nice. I’d suggest adding a bus logo + making the seats smaller as they are tall, as well as making them round + adding seatbelts. Also, selling stuff is not allowed on the devforum anymore but you can sell iton the hidden developers discord. Good job

Really great and realistic bus. Make the seats a bit shorter tho. Rate that a 9/10

Keep up with the amazing work! :tada:

Looks good and it looks like a real bus good job keep up the good work

I like it, however, he seats look a little boxy and have some inconsistencies.
Here you can see a gap in the chairs.
While there isn’t a gap here.
It also seems like the textures overlap a bit.

Your bus is flat. Very flat. Some people in the bus community would charitably call it a “pancake”.

I would like to draw your detail to a couple of areas of improvements. Notice that these images are ripped off Google Images and not my own. First, some parts on the front. This is what the real bus looks like at the top:
Here’s yours for comparison.
Here’s the bumper of the bus in real life.
And yours.
One thing to note is that you probably shouldn’t use black parts to simulate an indentation. Use negates instead. You can look at a better bus builder to see why.

Now, let’s move to the interior. As DevRec, the seats are very boxy. Your seat legs are too thin and would not support the weight of a person + the seat itself. It also looks somewhat out of scale? It’d be interesting to see the interior with a rig next to it. It’d also be good if there was some lighting variety, perhaps using the Neon material with the lights if it fits, although I know myself that lighting and interiors of moving vehicles doesn’t exactly bode well.


The neon material is on the lights they are set at transparency 0.7 when off. When your turn on the lights they then get changed to transparency 0 which makes them glow. It is fully scripted to drive. And yes. I am bad with doing curves because if I try sometimes I cannot get the bricks used for the union centred right and it ends up with the peak of the curve of e.g roof being off centre relative to the front pillar where the two part windscreen is joined that I actually perfectly centred. And also here is a video I quickly did showing me looking around the bus and showing off it’s scripted features.

Video link since it was too big to directly upload.

The exterior is pretty rock-on. The only critique I have are the chairs. They’re a bit too blocky for me and way too thick. The interior also seems kind of bland. Overall, pretty good!

Tbh the BMC interiors are bland. From pictures I looked at for refs it was effectively seats and luggage racks.

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It doesn’t look exactly like the real on but honestly it’s probably good enough for what you’re using it unless it’s a competition in which you have to build the exact model. I counted like 10 rows or so x5 seats per row which makes 50 seats more or less which is totally enough. In my opinion you did a great job! :smiley:

I hope this helped you!

Actually I made enough rows to make it 60 seats just like the IRL model. 60 Seated with no standing allowed. Or you can remove 4 seats at the rear to provide a wheelchair space which gives the config of 56 seated, 0 standing and 1 wheelchair. Wheelchair access is through a lift which is fitted to the back door.

I like the overall bus, but I think the seat texture is a little in your face, so I would recommend scaling down the texture and putting the transparency to .4 or .6