I’ve recently made of CAD/MDT (Computer-Aided Dispatch/Mobile Data Terminal) and would like to know if you like it. By the way, it is my first GUI!
I’ve recently made of CAD/MDT (Computer-Aided Dispatch/Mobile Data Terminal) and would like to know if you like it. By the way, it is my first GUI!
Im not a GUI designer but I think it looks really good.
Thank you very much!
Good job, but why some icon are blur? Also the space is not well managed, some text/icon will be too big, and some too small.
The GUI you made is not that original, i mean, about the shape it’s something like we can find everywhere, same for the color, you should try to innovate.
Have a good day.
Yes, I agree. Some of them are a bit blured. That’s because I imported them as png from Figma (where I made the main interface).
Yes, it is not. I was aiming to make it like in one popular CAD/MDT named OpenCAD. It is CAD/MDT for GTA V, FIVEM servers but I tried making something looking like that in Roblox. Thanks for feedback
Good day!
That looks good, do you think i could use this for my game or maybe teach me how to script one like it?
Bro why are you waiting?
Release it pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee.