Feedback on my Cafe

I would like some feedback for my cafe. :grinning:

Tell me what I need to improve on or to update.
Thank you for your time.


It looks pretty good, but you could improve a few things.

It looks like it’s too bright inside the cafe, maybe lower the brightness of the lights. It also looks very one-noted, with no interesting color contrasting the brown and tans. Play around with materials and try to add some texture to the build to make it more appealing.

The outside doesn’t seem finished, you may still be working on it, but I suggest modeling/ find a better tree and try to hide the edge of the map, maybe with mountains or water.

I hope these suggestions helped!


Someone is working on a map for me, so the trees are temporary.

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I like the builds, just two things:-

  1. Can we see the inside part of the build
  2. Why are the screenshots seems as if its added with bass boosted effect

It looks like it does jot have enough seats. Also, it is to yellow, mabey add another color like white, to give it a semi-modern look.


I like the layout of this, but if you’re going for a cartoon theme, I would definitely work on adding cartoon-ish textures on the floor and walls and rework the game lighting. Other than that, this is a great start! :smile:


First thing I thought when I saw it was WAY TOO BRIGHT! Try turning down the ambience and adding some texture to the floor. The color of the floor should also be changed probably. Maybe like a light brown wood would look nice. I also recommend working on the outside. The trees are kind of eh, and it just looks empty and basic. Also, I’m pretty sure I see some free models in there. This isn’t a bad thing, but if you are looking to advertise the cafe, you may not want to add too many free models.

The free model I am talking about:

Sorry if it’s a little grainy, but it gets like that when you zoom in a lot.

Hope this helps!

I suggest working on the lighting, it seems quite bright. Another thing you may need to tweak is the color of the floor, it seems a bit off. I think a color similar to the ceiling would work better.

The cups on the counter look a bit weird, since there is a bunch of them. You should either remove some cups, or add other props like plates.

Other than that, the cafe looks great! :smiley: