I’d appreciate any highly detailed feedback, (I did NOT build this) though I am getting my friend to add instead implement a bridge as the spawn that leads to the cafe and maybe some type of deck on the side.
DISCLAIMER: This was not made by me
What are you attempting to achieve? A somewhat detailed looking cafe that’s not too large but can accomplish a nice place for users to chill and relax while having a sip of coffee.
What is the issue? I am so conflicted about what to add and some concepts to include, the outside is definitely the big thing I am having trouble thinking of.
What solutions have you tried so far? As previously stated above I’m having the builder include a nice big bridge as the spawn that leads to the cafe and hopefully have the surrounding area be a mini shore of some sort. (Trees are also something I plan to change)
Great design and creativity on the actual cafe, but I have a few thing’s that could improve it:
Smooth out the terrain were the sand meets the sea, right now the stop of it looks very sudden and blocky.
Add some differentiation on the heights of the tree’s that are on the outer most bit of land, they look to symmetrical and un-natural
It looks very dark and gloomy, I don’t know if you just haven’t added lighting yet or if its the quality but try adding some lighting effects to bring out the cafe and tree’s
Once you’ve added lighting change the waters transparency up and make it a more baby blue like it’s on the coast, this will give it that beachy vibe that I’m assuming you’re looking for.
Maybe add a few small islands dotted around the sea in front of your cafe.
This is just my preference but I’m not a big fan of the realistic type tree’s, try adding some low-poly palm tree’s instead.
Other than that I have no other thing’s you could improve on, the cafe looks great and I think players and staff will enjoy it.
I am not a builder, but i will give my feedback as if i am a visitor. I think the cafe looks very good but one thing is that all trees look almost the same, and the trees seem to be upright, I think maybe changing the looks of trees and then bend the tree a little
I’d suggest you edit the world terrain. When doing Terrain, go to “Sea Level” and scale that to the size and length/width you want.
Also, the trees look choppy and over used.
The cafe interior looks great especially with the roof, multi-floor, and other decorations. However, as a visitor I would prefer to see the workers closely when I walk in. That’s just a preference and could go either way! Great build.