Feedback on my cafe?

Hi, I’m building a modern cafe, and I would like some feedback to help me improve. Below are some screenshots of the build.



The cafe looks amazing so far, I think you can improve it by adding more details such as paintings on the walls and outside trees, rocks and bushes.


I think adding darker color here and there instead of just white would be a good touch. Table decorations is important too. As for the outside, I think that adding some trees, bushes, flowers and street walkway will be awesome. Despite that, it is a good build, I like the building shape and the pillar inside. That it is for my feedback, keep building bud and good luck improving it :D.


Really love the design so far, my recommendation would adding content on the walls in the interior of the café, to make it seem like its a empty room with just chairs and tables and plants. Possibly having photos of the restaurant with people in there, or possibly renders of character’s at your café enjoying the the experience inside the café. Other than that love it so far!


Taking into account that this is still a work-in-progress build, I think you’ve made good progress so far. I really like the layout you’ve created for the cafe and it’s clear that a lot of effort has been put into the building too. With that said, as a project that is early in development, there are naturally a few slight improvements that could be made.

Firstly, the cafe looks amazing, I like the color scheme and material you have going on here, nice attempt! I would definitely suggest adding some exterior signage to your cafe, so players know exactly wha the building is as well as making it look more professional. I would add chairs, tables, sign, more variety of plants to cover the empty parts of the terrain, adding more could make it less empty, try filling it up with a bunch of details. These are just a few things that you could consider adding.

I feel like the ceiling and walls could use more detail on it consider adding some pictures, clocks, hanging lights and much more throw a bunch of decorations in the cafe it would look really good if you added more into the cafe itself, however if you can’t think of ideas on what to add to your cafe I’ll try looking at images or visiting people’s cafe to see how the design looks.

Overall, it’s looking good though.


The foundation is very nice, but add a lot more mini details. Every detail helps the development. As seen before; rocks, bushes, maybe some more tables/chairs.

Good work!


Moved this from #help-and-feedback:building-support to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations. For future reference, general feedback threads belong in this category.


It looks very well made so far.

Though, it seems quite empty, which makes the cafe bland and monotonuos at some spots. This also includes the one-sided color choices of just Blue and White.

There’s a lot of ways to expand this:

  • As it has been suggested before, try and use some photos. Can be made off anything, really.

  • Add a few more windows to have a better outlook to the exterior, if that is not planned, try to add pot plants.

  • Add different shades of Blue and White, helps to expand the use of different colors to match. :wink:

  • Add some more decorations at the exterior, this can be Trees, stones, anything you could find in reality.

Any sort of detail can improve the building, if it’s slightly, or even a big one.
Considering this is an in-work project, I personally like it and hope it turns out amazing by time to time.


Looks really good!
Needs a third complementry color though, like bright orange!
Then a darker orange to use with the bright orange.

Tables should have 3-4 chairs each since it’s a spacious cafe.
Overall I really like this design, good job!


It looks great! Maybe consider adding something more to where they makes the drink, a bit more seating. But for WIP, it looks amazing! :+1:


Looks very cool, but I think there’s too much light. Very good job!


Let me kick this off with: THIS LOOKS VERY GOOD AND DETAILED!

I really love the way you designed this it looks so amazing.
I have a few ideas if you want to:

-Add paintings to the wall, it seems a little empty.
-You can add couches somewhere next to a wall.
-I would love to see a small fridge, like next to the counter where it has cakes, lollipops, etc… stuff to sell and give a nicer look.

Other than that honestly keep up the good work this is very amazing.


Your cafe looks beautiful and the shape of it is perfect. It’s kind of a shame because the scenery around it kind of just makes the cafe look out of place. Maybe add some buildings, tree’s, bushes, nature etc, etc.
Maybe add some more detail to the actual cafe and add a walkway, path, to the entrance. The interior is interesting and i’m not sure what that is in the bottom right

Add some more colour, pillars for extra support and to fill out these empty spaces and try to add some more things in what seems like an upstairs, second floor?


Hello there,

The building looks nice because of the condition like clean and fresh. the outside of the building needs a tree for more decoration. “Picture 3” kinda missing a lot of tables and a sit so you can put some table and seat at the side of the stair. and also the last picture in this feedback post is really good as well, really nice. that all for now also moved this as



Hey there,

The building overall looks really good. The color scheme and the material you used works really good with your build. I would suggest you add more chairs, tables, other signs, and a lot of other plants.
A thing is, the walls seem empty, I would add some stuff to the walls like paintings, drawers, etc.


This looks really well made, good work. :+1:


Try adding some paintings on the wall, maybe some advertisements to social links?


Your cafeteria is very nice but try to add some details like images on the walls

Very good job :ok_hand:


So I’ve begun adding more details on the walls. How’s this so far?


This looks really sweet.

I would suggest you to improve some lighting, add bushes, trees and maybe a pool or a small waterpark if possible.