Feedback on my Castle Build

I wanted to try to make a showcase game and it didn’t go well at all lol, but heres the castle I built. It’s my favourite build I’ve ever done.

(Without Lighting Effects)

I’d appreciate some feedback, and maybe some building tips.


I think the door should be made out of wood and be brown with a bit more detail as the rest of the awesome really cool castle. I also think that the blur should be a bit less for the lighting effects. I think the rest of the castle is really good work. Good job, wow.


yeah the blur is too much ngl ,thanks for the feedback ill try and improve!

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I don’t know if it was intentional, but one of the towers only have 3 of the large blocks instead of 4.

I see what you mean, I made this castle a while ago so I lost the picture reference meaning I cant tell you if its intentional or not =/ It was probably just a mistake, thanks for the feedback

It’s very small, the entrance just doesn’t look as good as I thought It would be, It’s mostly blocky for a somewhat door, You are including the colour gradient & pattern, which is a good start, the door is lacking ALOT of detail. Nice Job!

Yeah, the door kinda sucked when I made it. But I didn’t know how to build well so I didn’t really know how make the door. Thanks for the feedback