Feedback on My Castle

Hello everyone! I have just started learning to build “big” creations and this is my first one, and I just finished a castle. (it took me around 5 hours.)
I was wondering if anyone had any feedback, so I can improve it.
Thank you so much! There are some images below. If you need more you can try it out here;


It looks great! There’s a couple things I would change tho. Firstly I would change the material of the castle the brick to add more detail to it. Secondly I would change the castles towers so they match the rest of the castles structure. Currently they look a bit out of place.


Alright! I will definitely do that, thanks for the feedback!

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If you’re still learning, then it’s big step forward. Good job. Keep up the good work. Just try to make as much details as it’s possible. Best thing you can do to improve your skills is trying to build something from real life. It’s a good training and it worked for me. That’s my now i’m making pretty nice realistic maps. :wink:


First thing i want to say is this is look really good, keep it going. Second thing, are you learn how to build this castle on CK Studio plugin.


This castle does look interesting and unique. I rarely see a tiny town held INSIDE the building, which is pretty special imo. I have a suggestion for the entrance of the castle, you should add another layer before the actual door, and it is gates. Many castles I’ve seen often has a gate that covers the huge door before entering the castle. I think they do this as a way for self-defense to prevent intruders from entering the castle easily. So you could add gates for an extra minor thing to give more detail for this build.
There is only one problem I find in this castle. The floors inside it. There shouldn’t be stone
floors covering the entire ground inside the castle. It just doesn’t look realistic. Here’s an example:
You can put some flooring for your build, but it in this case, stone floors look better as pathways to certain areas inside the castle. Unless your castle is above ground, there should be some grass seen somewhere. The huge walls surrounding the town is supposed to be a shield from attacks, the flooring in the castle however serves no purpose and makes the place look odd.


Thank you and yes, I did learn a bit from it how to do the base, but then I stopped following it and did it on my own.


Okay, I will definitely use your feedback and fix it, thank you very much!

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Thank you for the advice, I definitely will keep striving to build realistic and detailed structures.