Feedback on my Church

Here are some pictures of my Church:

Scoobistian Church. I hope you like it :slight_smile:


The Concept is Odd, and it looks heavily free modelled. It is somewhat decent though i dont think many could consider it good, this is completely honest criticism. The most you could probably get out of this is a meme! You can contact me if you want me to build a church for you, prices are negotiable! 30% OFF | Church Builder | Portfolio | CatholicChurchRoblox (Open)

God Bless have a Great rest of your day!

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Since this may be your starting to building, I would say it’s nice, I hope in the future you can add something so there’s more to it. Like interior decorating, more to the outside, and giving the building more features. But it’s a unique concept, good luck!

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