Feedback on my Classic Roblox game?

Hi, Ive recently created some technology for my game Retrorealm, which will be a open world based classic Roblox game with modern graphics. I’ve created some technology for it, example being a combat sword, dashing / acrobatics, and some doors and death animation. (A random assortment, I know)

Feedbacks nice!

Heres some footage, they is also some tracks for said game on the channel if you’d like to check out some music for it.


Wow, that looks amazing! I am looking forward to this! Though, I do feel weird about 1:01 where the sword spins and the general animation of the swords. The sword looks to be penetrating your skin which looks painful, maybe just try rotating the arm to make it look cooler?

Oh yea, I was planning on changing that eventually, the animations are intended to be frame by frame (to have a retro like effect), using the constant effect. Of course though they is obv improvements when it comes to animations. Thanks for the feedback!

I do understand the retro feel but the idle alt (if that’s what it is) just looks a bit too unrealistic and just painful haha.

Yea, ill switch it up eventually.

The UI just isn’t bringing the theme together, doesn’t look like how the games trying to portray, and the fact NPCs are just being thrown around using PlatformStand instead of having knock-back animations or hurt animations kind of ruins the immersion as-well, I do find the type of combat game a tad unoriginal due to many others doing the exact same.

The game could use a variant of the classic blood instead of cubic particle emitters. (Link Portrays Aug 5, 2009 Upload Of A Bleed Script)

looks exactly like combat initiaton, you did a great job

What can you suggest for possible UI improvements? I really dont know a theme for the UI right now, and thats why its so basic / not fitting.

For the platformstand, I am intending on implementing damage / knockback animations, however ive not got to it yet.

Finally, im also trying to find unique things not seen on roblox commonly to add to the combat mechanics, however im still lacking in inspiration there too.

And for that classic blood, that is a good idea and I will implement it into the game (as a possible “critical” hit?)

I like the respawn animation. It would be cool if, while the spawnpoint decal spins, the character breaks out of the ground as if in a zombie movie.

UI that might resemble an older version of Roblox’s UI that would fit the timeperiod the game’s character is supposed to represent, not an exact replication but something similar or themed in a way that it’d fit the timeperiod.

2006-2008 UI is pretty barebone to work with, if i was to do that it’d be repolished but obv in the same format, and im currently working on doing that now.

Im also gonna make a unique combat system concept I recently thought of what might push its originality,

Nethertheless, thanks for your feedback!