Feedback on my club/vibe game

Hi! I’m currently working on building/releasing my very first roblox game! (or experience lmao)

My goal is to create a futuristic club look, and I have been worrying about a couple things that I’d like to get more developers feedback on.

  1. Am I including too much neon for the build?

  2. Does the build not have enough color? Most of the build includes neutral colors and I’m not sure if I should be including more or if it ties in to the overall theme.

Any feedback is helpful and appreciated, I thank you all in advance.


Club Aura - Roblox here is the game link in case anyone is interested in taking a closer look at more of the build, keep in mind it’s still a work in progress!

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Builds look pretty good, I’d suggest lowpoly… but I don’t build :man_shrugging: or atleast try adding some textures to the wall or something? If you can please add better lighting, overall good build :+1:

Lowpoly would be a stretch since it’s not exactly my style of building, and it’d be too far to go back and redo a majority of the build. As far as lighting, I did realize it was quite dark indoors so I’ll do my best to fix that up. I’ll try messing around with some textures as well, thanks!

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yeah its way too dark in there clubs are usually well lit

Hello Developers / Builders! It’s been a while since I’ve included an update on this project. To recap, I am currently working on building my first game that I plan to release (Club Aura!).

I have linked some photos of how the project is currently going. By posting here on the forums I ask you for your advice and feedback that I may not be able to receive anywhere else!

There are definitely some areas of the build that I would like to revisit myself - starting with the main shop building.

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Yo it’s looking nice I like the alien like feel

I feel like it needs more color that matches the theme, vibe games usually use lots of soft colors that are easy on the eyes and lighting effects that tie into the theme. I would recommend using a color pallete that way you’re assured to have a good turn out. Overall looks nice good work!

You should try using some of Roblox’s built in physics to animate your models. You can make the rings on this ceiling decor rotate by using a hinge constraint and then making that into a motor. There’s a pretty good YouTube Video on it by Oracybe if you search for “rotating part in roblox studio”.