I made a meme comic today and I’d like people to let me know how good it is and if there’s anything I can improve on. Also, it’s a parody, so it’s not intended to make fun of anyone specific or anything. I hope it gives you a pretty good laugh!
I don’t get it…
I think its cool that you made a comic though
Maybe not use dev form as a source for comics?
It’s making fun of the billions of redundant posts people make in discussion
Haha, I like it! It’s pretty realistic, which may or may not be a good thing.
This looks good, great job drawing this comic piece.
It’s actually pretty funny, I like it a lot. The drawings are extremely impressive. Keep it up!
It reminds me of the stick figure memes, you should create more of them.
As for feedback test around with various faces, you could create some more cool combinations
That comic is nice especially the way you drew it. But maybe the devforum is not the best place to post that as you may get moderated.
If I get moderated, I get moderated. I don’t see any reason why I would get in trouble for drawing parody art though, because as far as I know parody artwork is allowed on roblox as satire.
This comic is golden and extremely realistic.