Feedback on my "Concert" GFX

Feedback of any kind is heavily appreciated.


It looks good, atlhough the background needs a little more work.

How exactly, give me some ideas to flush it in.

Okay maybe remove the eternal void on the left side of the screen and try to render it in with a floor. The wall kind of of looks a bit too plain so maybe try to add some detail that would fit a concert theme.

Also with the characters, I can see their arms looking a little too much like legos because of the shininess and the lines on their shoulders, so maybe try to fix that a bit.

render floor = checked
change walls = checked
less toy-like (shine) = checked
make the body lines disappear… yeah I might need to learn a bit of photoshop to do that but thanks anyway.

Looks very good! Maybe some spotlights and metal bars in the background will make the darkness behind them look more realistic but other then that it looks great!

The colors in analysis: most frequently dark colors and teal/cyan midtones. Perhaps you want some volumetric lighting to dense the atmosphere a little?

Lighting and characters are good! Only thing I could complain on is the background, it lacks detail and focus. But even with this problem. It’s still a good GFX! :smiley:

Man… That’s cool! I love it!!! The lighting tough… epic

In my opinion, you should singificantly brighten the lighting. Everything else looks very exciting and I can see you’ve put a lot of effort into the GFX.

I love ittt, although I feel like in the back you could’ve added a crowd. Make it look more realistic, if that’s what you’re doing for of course. Other than that, it’s so good!