Feedback On My Cool Game!

Hi guys, So I’ve recently finished making my newest game called build a town and Im excited to get some feedback on it. I’d also like your thoughts on the thumbnails, icon, and the name. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Hi there! I’ve played the game for a while, I can’t lie, I had some fun, as I stuck for a while to build some more.

The game’s name is quite fitting, in my eyes, people could unite together and build their own little fun place maybe have fun or just compete with builds one another, and they could, build a town! I also like the thumbnail for this one, it covers the autosave feature and some nice editing on it, and I don’t have anything against it.

I do have to comment on the way we choose building options, it’s an entire toolbar full of the building options ,I think a menu of sorts where you pick another building option would be fitting, having to acces an entire toolbar just to switch from a truss to a block isn’t bad either, but having it easier on choosing this stuff would go nice. Building is a bit hard too, the player’s avatar gets in the way and the camera can get blocked by other parts, sadly for this I don’t think there is much to do, other than keeping to simple builds by us the players.

And I hope you don’t mind if I think of a few suggestions on what you could add, first of all, Stairs, in building ,stairs could do well aesthetically and help the build form together, next.
I need to see vertical slabs, this could possibly improve builds so well, such as using them for walls and barriers.
And lastly, I think slabs should be able to stack on top of each other ,instead of being restricted to placing only one slab in an entire block of space.

Thank you for reading all this, I think some other things other than what I mentioned could also be changed, but that is not really important. Good luck with your project, You can make this game shine, and I wish you well on it.

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Thanks so much for your reply. I’m glad to hear that you had some fun and I’ll try to get working on adding more block types!

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Hi again, sorry but I ended up having an overlook on the game’s description and icon, I rejoined the game to see if I could build some more, though I saw the icon referencing having a high town population and the description talking about building a busy town, I am going to ask if you’re planning on adding such a feature and adding NPCs to the game? As of now I can only see that we can only build in game, but no way of gathering anybody to our town. I can only see these things being pretty misleading. I’m sorry for my overlook on this, the game’s concept is fun, but currently pretty misleading if at this point it is only a building game.

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Sorry, for the mistake, I wasn’t gonna add npc’s as I don’t really have the progreamming knowledge for that so I ended up changing the icon to something a little more fitting!

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You could use Pathfinding and waypoints to pathfind to, and maybe add the ability to talk with NPCs, halting their movement until the conversation completes. It will make your game tons more lively, and I think it is a great idea.


this game has potential, you could try advertising it

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