Feedback on my CRT Monitor

Hi, I recently built and programmed from scratch a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor in Roblox Studio, I quite liked the result but I want to read what people say:

WARNING: This kind of flashing can genuinely cause people with photosensitive epilepsy to have a seizure.

I will be reading all your comments.


wow this is really cool but one question, why is the image having a seizure?

hello, cathode ray tube monitors work this way because the image is built with 3 electron beams in a vacuum, and they have to build more than 60 images in a second, and that’s why it gives that flickering sensation:
it is a very old technology, but it is surprising, I recommend you to search in internet how it works.

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oh i see, i was wondering if it was just the image bugging out or flickering on purpose.

You should have at least put a warning. This kind of flashing can genuinely cause people with photosensitive epilepsy to have a seizure.

That is not how CRTs work. The image doesn’t move up and down like that unless it’s degaussing. It does scan from top to bottom, but it’s revealing the image, not sliding it downwards. It also updates at more than 12 fps. I know, I had one as a kid.


i’m sorry, thank you for correcting me, that’s how i was taught in my school.

the warning has been posted, thank you very much.

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