I just wanted to say I really like what you did this,
maybe someone along the way could tell you what you could improve on
but not me! because it’s perfect from where I’m standing
On the contrary,
I am curious what you’re planning on doing with this development (if you don’t mind sharing)
Is it gonna be sold as a plugin in the future?
Or are you going to implement it into an upcoming project?
Well whatever it is I hope you keep doing what you love because you’re doing something right!
This is something I’m planning to open source. At the moment though, I personally think it lacks something. I feel as though the interface could be improved, but I just haven’t been in the design scene long enough to find out how.
I would like to include some useful qol features as well (which I haven’t thought of just yet) But I think more filter options would be nice to have. And also more server metadata (the info on a server e.g. users with voice chat)
If you or anyone has any suggestions, I’d love to hear them!
So cool! This should be implemented into an inbuilt feature in Roblox tbh. It really does look good! But for actual server ui round the corners cuz it’s inconsistent. Otherwise it looks great!
Here’s a version with the corners rounded (as well as some servers showing)
(I’m currently in the middle of optimizing it as it’s only able to intake ~20000 servers before little lag spikes begin to occur when refreshing. So I apologise for the choppyness)
This custom server list looks INSANELY GOOD AND USEFUL! Great job on creating it! How long did it take for you to make this? Will you use it in anything? The UI is cool and would be extremely useful for everyone if it was like this!
I began the project maybe around a week ago? I’ve dabbed a few hours across last week into it. Totalling between 10 to 13 hours total? The main reason it took so much time, was because the entire interface was made using Roact.
I’m not currently planning on using this in anything at the moment, but I might opensource it once I feel as though it’s stable enough.
Here is an updated version of the interface with a few additions:
Mobile version:
I also added a shortcut to opening it via the /serverlist command in chat:
Eventually, I plan to introduce new features, one of which is a /randomserver command. As the name suggests, it teleports you to a random server. I plan to add a button within the interface to do this as well, but with the added benefit of filtering out servers you don’t want to be sent to.
Anyhow, if anyone has any suggestions or critiques, I’m always looking to improve!
Thank you! Yes there’s a way to see what servers your friends are in. Depending on the server order type you have set (Descending by default) it will show what servers your friends are in at the very top. As well as that, their icons will be first to show and have a green outline:
(example where all players excluding myself are friended, however one has roblox friend joins turned off)